On May 27th (last comment - bottom of page!) .... Rosie not only saw me ... she answered me! And, I got more than a one word answer. People tell me she put it last so that her readers would see it and say....hmmm, wonder what that's all about? Or, who is this sissorwizard person. Sounds just like something Rosie would do. Whatever the case may be...I'm grateful. It was more than just a brief connection....it was validation.
Thank you Rosie.

Way to go, girl!!! -EZ
Thank you, EZ.
I'm still excited about it and it's been a week!
I so much want to meet Rosie. Guess I'll have to plan a trip.
Hey again Patty-
I saw when Rosie replied to you and got excited for you, haha. (I knew because you included your link.) Isn't it a great feeling?
Also, I found the entire interview of Rosie on Howard Stern, in case you haven't yet. You will enjoy, it's funny and you may want to post this on your blog. Here's the link:
Enjoy! :)
Hi Brian,
Yes, it is a great feeling.
I knew you would be excited for me....we share a common bond!
I linked to the video clips of Rosie and Howard. I did a little PhotoShop work on the picture they used for Rosie and blended the two of them. (I didn't like the white line down the middle.)
Thanks for visiting and commenting again.
Encouraging words from a woman who isn't frightened of her own power.
Way to go, Patty!!!!!
Thank you, San.
I knew you would be happy for me.
I was so excited when I emailed you...I could hardly contain it.
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