I'm not one to celebrate Hallmark holidays. I believe, if a person really cares for you, they don't have to wait 364
days between each time they let you know.
So many people feel they just have to be showered with gifts on this 'special day'. Whether it be chocolates, roses, stuffed teddy bears bearing the words 'I Love You', or cards with poems written by other people.
Then, there's the obligatory candlelight dinner for two. Heaven forbid someone should forget to make the reservations.
Me? I'd rather someone just call me and say...hey, I was thinking about you. So...whatever your plans are for today....enjoy them. But, don't forget to let your loved ones know how much you care for them.....every day.
I've received jewelry, lots of cards, many dozens of elaborate vases filled with roses, tons of heart shaped boxes of candy, red teddy bears, white teddy bears, pink teddy bears...even 'talking' teddy bears over the years. However, the best gift I have ever received was a 3" by 3" square of block of wood. There was a heart drawn on it with a red crayon and underneath, scribbled with a green crayon were the words...I Love You Mom. It was from my son....when he was in the third grade.

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