Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Beach Scenes

“Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone.”

Happy Wordless Wednesday


Cindy said...

I had to take a second look, that backdrop almost doesn't look real. Then I could see the surf had changed in the second pic. Those are lovely! Happy WW!

Patty said...

Cindy, thank you for stopping by and commenting.
The background is slightly out of focus on purpose.
It does make it look like one of those painted backdrops, doesn't it.

Amy @ The Q Family said...

Very nice pictures! Make me dream of my beach trip. :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

-Amy @ The Q Family

Rhonda Gales said...

Being at the beach makes me smile too! The water is beautiful.

Rhonda Gales said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. The M & M store is in Las Vegas.

Isaac said...

Nice shots, Patty

Patty said...

Thank you, Amy.
Nothing like a day at the beach!
And...thank you for the visit.

Patty said...

Thanks for the visit, Rhonda. Yes, the ocean is beautiful.
I thought I recognized the M & M store! That place was huge!

Patty said...

Thank you, Isaac.
And, thanks for the visit. :-)

San said...

Beautiful guys. Beautiful ocean. Beautiful photographs!

Patty said...

Thank you, San.
I'm rather fond of both of them!